- Cadenza DMA
- 5 Sep 2018
Teachers Day
Happy Teachers Day
A teacher is a model human being, who is not a mere intellectual person
The simplicity, the behavior, the stoicity and inner strength is the reason
Why a teacher is able to guide a disciple, coz the teacher faithfully did abide
By the rules laid out by his or her teacher, as a student
A teacher is a mature individual who shows love and wisdom equally well
And is not just a person who on text book knowledge dwell
A teacher delivers the experience of life and imparts training to the student
Not just the art, but life experience through art, and helps the seeker to be confident
A teacher does not discriminate between less talented ones and the sharper ones
But shows more love and puts more efforts towards the slower ones
And be it music, dance, or martial arts, the teacher knows in one glance
The very inner being of a student, by even a mere guitar holding posture or a dance
And the teacher takes the responsibility and does the best
To help the student imbibe self discipline and the art a cheerful routine
The mentor helps the seeker mend his ways to become prudent and pristine
Art, music, dance, sports, math or gymnastics, which are all but tools
But dear parents, the reason the reason why you send your children to schools
Is because of the trust and confidence in the teacher, whose mere personality rules
And if a student likes to excel, he or she should trust the teacher
Without the faith that the teacher works only for the best of the student
One can never excel in anything for that matter, be it academics or arts
Obedience, co-operation, respect to the teacher which is but a reflection
Of the students behavior at home, will further help the student in his evolution
Test the teacher, but once you find the right teacher, have blind faith in him or her
The teacher is not there to lead you to your goal, that only the spiritual Master can do
He also can only show the way, but one has to walk and be true
The teacher can to some extent can create
But the student has to develop the thirst to progress and accelerate
When the teacher finds that student is ready for higher grades
The real teacher will but be proud and more willing to teach the tricks of the trades
And it is said that if one wants to be better at some thing, one needs to do more
And as one works more, he or she gets better at the art
And in other words, one has to put in the heart
And only those succeed who follow the rules of the teacher to such an extent
When they are able to create their own paths, but they follow the teacher
Till they are on their own, coz no matter what, one can never be a teacher.
By Ravi kanth.A
(Music Faculty)